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Pushing the Limits  - Katie McGarry

Pushing the Limits is the heart-breaking, honest and, eventually hopefully story of two teens - Echo and Noah - who both have painful pasts, and are struggling at the moment. 


This novel is told from both of the main character’s points of view - the chapters alternate. I really liked this style for this novel, as it gives you a clear insight into both of the character’s minds, and means that you can fall in love with them both equally. Echo and Noah are very different people, but they both have loss and sadness in their past, which helps bring them together. They’re very real, brilliantly written characters. Sometimes it’s hard for an author to distinguish well enough between two characters in an alternating p.o.v., but McGarry does this very well; they have distinct voices. 

I fell in love with the characters and their relationship in this novel. Not only do I love their relationship, but I also love that it’s not entirely about that - they deal with the things in their lives somewhat separately as well. I didn’t cry at the romantic parts, but at their struggles and how they came to terms with the things that have happened to them. 


This is a heartbreaking yet also heartwarming story of two teenagers who have an awful lot to deal with. Throughout the novel they grow as people, learn some things about themselves, and set themselves on the road to recovery. I liked that the ending wasn’t completely idyllic, but it was hopeful. This was a really addictive read - I couldn’t put it down! It just flows so well, and I think that McGarry did a beautiful job with the writing. I loved how everything was portrayed very realistically, and though there were more serious parts of this novel, it was also charming and witty and you it was easy to identify with the characters. 


Go read it (but bring tissues, and make sure you have a day to dedicate to it).